Saturday, June 9, 2007

Back Pain Driving Subaru

TMLXC applied to work, family, personality. ARGENTINA
Limited availability
Rosario, Santa Fe

Who are and what they are in the UCreative and Intuitive Healing
This is the time of the Fairies.
Fairies, their symbols, legends and current affairs.

good and bad fairies exist?


What is the role in our lives?

By: Eric ROLF Date: 04/25/1907 Hours: WOMEN'S FILM FESTIVAL
18.30 to 20.30 pm.

duendevioleta.gif Fee: $ 60 .-

the 5th Festival of Cinema Without Borders 2007

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finding the tomb of Jesus and Mary Magdalene ... other business the most?

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Oster Countertop Oven Dehydrator Function Event EMF Balancing Technique and Rosario Avant Premier

In Rosario - Santa Fe!

confirmed Venue and Dates:

Friday June 8
Documentary Presentation of EMF Balancing Technique ® & amp; nbsp; Program 1 and 2.

Location: 1st floor of Library Homo Sapiens -
Sarmiento 829 Rosario - Santa Fe
Time: 17:00 pm

Saturday June 9

Workshop Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL)

Location: Apart Hotel Alvear - Alvear 555
Rosario - Santa Fe
Hours: 9:30 am.

19:00 hs.

The course includes updated manuals and training materials, as well as breaks and lunch. can take the training for Phases separate modules or the sole requirement of having completed the workshop UCL or the previous phase.

If you already doing some of these workouts, you can re-take manure,

$ 55 (pesos) per day for breaks, lunches and other administrative expenses.

For more information and registration:

Coordinates: Carolina

Guillermo Torres 0341-4117570 0341-4146601


Buenos Aires:

(011) 4831 6331

(011) 15 58,818,761 (0351) 15 5951131

(0351) 482 0467 & amEMF Supervisory Teacher

io Phase I-VIII

Posts On Others Walls New era for space exploration

New era for space exploration, space
14 agencies are a historic step
June 4th, 2007 by Siemens Siemens Siemens

In an unprecedented move, 14
space agencies in the world today revealed
agreement for space exploration
globally coordinated the Moon, Mars and beyond.

After months of intense discussions,
published their common ideas for space exploration: The
Global Exploration Strategy: The Framework for Coordination

The document outlines the social base for exploration
space, defines the current focus and process
space exploration, the current interest in the Moon and
in the exploration of Mars, and proposes a framework for future work
overall coordination
space exploration.

Welcoming the publication of the document,
Science and Innovation Minister Malcolm Wicks said:

“ This document marks the beginning of a new era in space exploration
. Since the launch of Sputnik in 1957
, we learned a lot about space exploration
have experienced the benefits of scientific discoveries in
our daily lives. Innovations like
exploiting space for global communications, weather forecasting
and help emergency services all have v
space exploration in the first half of the twentieth century.

“ During this century we are sure that
see some fantastic voyages of discovery as robots and human
venturing beyond our solar system. What
learn will excite and inspire new generations to engage in
science and new technologies that could
benefit the global economy.

“ The Framework for Coordination
proposes a common vision for a new era of international collaboration
. I welcome the fact that
can use this to inform our national plans while
of 4.8 million pounds annually, providing 70 000 jobs
and making a contribution to the total
UK GDP of almost 7 billion pounds per year

The British National Space Centre is among the
14 space agencies have developed
document. They are: ASI (Italy), BNSC
(United Kingdom); CNES (France), CNSA (China)
CSA (Canada), CSIRO (Australia), DLR (Germany)
ESA (European Space Agency) ISRO (India)
JAXA (Japan), KARI (Republic of Korea), NASA (United States
) NSAU (Ukraine) and Roscosmos (Russia). --- Luis Eduardo Pacheco


stratocat.iespana. is @ gmail. com
