ndidos the highest bidder. Or bidders. pushed the door, leaving her at the mercy of gravity. Shuffling and the desire to go, gave her a tired look around and sat on the floor, hoping that life happen from afar again, he could no humor or excuses that they knew act, and so it is impossible to give account without ending hit.
prevailed over the clashes and benefits ofdestination, the former sometimes confused with the combination of stone and cold, the eternal return made him realize it was an unconscious reflection of the fullness that invented on the spot, in the service of his senses. But he did not care.
Tempted by a remote chance fell from heaven and hesitantly opened one of the suitcases. Almost hypnotized by his memory fell foulard that accompanied him every time he immersed himself in those lands unknown gold latitude and company ignorant of the wounds. He picked it up and inhaled as if it were a drug, it seemed ridiculousfrom his lips was larger.
parked the foulard on one side. He took paper and pen, unwanted companions that always appear when the psychologist need a consultation. What happened in that meeting occurred at the end of every road, nobody knows, so the collector of stories captured from tinted windows, apparently an aroma that day had brought lecció n most importantly learned a kamikaze impossible: remember contrails as heavily scented that should always be shared.
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