However, the finding came from the hand of that great bastion of the press and the good work periodísitco, this English gem, envy of the world for its information quality and rigor, that beacon of culture and honesty that illuminates the English, wherever they go ... What milk is the "Country"? I refer to the "Hello"!
And, when one reads "New trends for this season: spandex your world" or "The Truth about Robin and I" has no choice but to accept the reality ... yes, its coverYuda:
But then, you know, the competition moves this capitalist world we live in and if the DC has sent his morlaco masked the Marvelillosa not go far enough and gives two weeks of paid leave to another employee of the month. Though, one thing to want to make an impact and put to other favoritda Arañita america to make the shrimp to the matador with the flag of the homeland ...
In fact, anyone who saw it would ask a lot of things (I'm nottoy among those elected) ... Why Gotham Justiciero decided to retire to Barcelona, capital of one of the most intensely patriotic regions of the peninsula? And how do you lay the supreme Spidey makes first steps in the bullfight with the national insignia? ... Catalonia, insults to the flag ... Hmmmm ... everything fits ... sort of ...
Superheroes have come to Spain, gentlemen, but ... With what intentions? (Chan-chan-chan!)
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