Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rage Buggy Blueprints With Measurements First impressions on ... RENT
is a sort of modern reworking of La Bohème (what else would the poor Puccini opine to see her shy and demure dressmaker turned into a sexy dancer Ero ting), truffled now gays, lesbians and, above all, much, much AIDS (that is tuberculosiasy. The display order, just after The Rocky Horror Picture Show (also known as THE MOTHER OF PARANOIA musical made) I think also affected, considering that the first left us utterly confused and and we were stunned and a little bewitched by Mary and her
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which had preceded it (did someone say "Musical Marathon"?) with all its nostalgic consequences. Conclusion , RENT is very cool and I recommend it to any music lover.
Puccini, flat, plate may not be your taste, but certainlyLarson can be happy with, after the stupidity that made Elton John Verdi, Aida reimagining the poor and making it rise again with Radames in the Metropolitan today to Anak your namun ...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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About in nature will
Arthur Schopenhauer
" The head of the other is a very unfortunate
to settle therein true happiness."
Schopenhauer, Parerga and Chronicles (1851).
&will, however, is primary, the prius
the body, so that it is conditional. Since the will is that essence itself, which is manifested primarily in the representation (mere brain function thereof), which an organic body, is that only the representation gives everyone the body as long, joints, organs, or not immediately self-awareness. Just as the body's actions are nothing but acts of will are painted on the representation and its substratum, the figure of this body, is its image as a whole, and hence it is thewill the agens
in all functions in the body, as well as extrinsic actions. The real physiology, when it rises, show what man's spiritual (knowledge), as a result of the physical from him, which has shown that no other, Cabanis, but the true metaphysical ; music teaches us that it is only physical product or manifestation of something more spiritual (the will) and that matter itself is influenced by the representation in the which only exists. The perception and thought always be explained, and caor, as representacióny with it the same body as an object perceptible and even the general area, as existing not only in representation. Because, in fact, an objective world without a subject whose consciousness exists, is well considered, something eternally inconceivable. The knowledge and the subject (subject and object) are not, therefore, only relative with respect to each other, forming
phenomenon. As is the case, as he had not been until now, thanks to my fundamental alteration.
When work out, whenis to him, this is what has been considered the intellect as the matter has, through it, therefore, as the capital of what exists.
What is needed above all, is to distinguish the will of the will (Wille and Willkühr ), taking into account that it can exist without this, as my philosophy presupposes all. Will you call when the lights will intellect, being, therefore, the causes that lead him to reason, that is, representations which, objectively expressed, it means that outside influences, que is what causes the act, is mediated by a brain . It should define the reason saying it is an exciting exterior under whose influence arises when an image in the brain , image through whom will meet the proper effect, which is a vital action extrinsic. In humans can take the place of that image a concept that has been taken from previous images of that class, by removing differences and therefore it is not already designated and set sensible but not more than words. As well as the effectiveness of the general reasons not linked to the contact, can measure their strength influences with each other on the will, ieWhich it occurs choice. To limit this, the animal, the narrow circle of what is present to the senses, with the man, however, is the ample field for him as indispensable, concepts. This is why what is designated arbitrary movements which are not followed, such as inorganic bodies, to
reasons. These, however, presuppose
, means by which causation is verified here, though their needsity all. It is also physiologically designate the difference between exciting and reason. The exciting ( Reiz ) causes the reaction
to page. 293: There are still some examples that spring is the wish movements by exciting (and involuntary) and those due to reasons (voluntary), enter here : cases in which the same motion should be, already exciting, and to reason, as, v gr., contraction of the pupil. It is often checked by exciting light is increased, for any reason, whenever we strive to examine an object, either pequeñoo far, because the contraction of the pupil made clear vision ma s to close, you can make it clearer to & desktop search, No if you look through a hole made with a needle, and lengthy, on the contrary, the pupil when we want to see in the distance. And not spring from fundamentally different sources for alternative equal movements of the body. EH Weber in his program, ad EH additamenta weberi tractatum motu iridis, Lipsiœ, 1823, says he has discovered in himself the power to expand and contract at will the pupil of an eye, and addressed to an same object, while the other eye is closed, which makes it clear and shows the object, and indistinct. Also John Mueller is testing in its Handbook of Physiology will work on the pupil. ;
Archive physiology (Vol. V, pg. 195 198), comes from a completely empirical and utterly free of prejudice to the outcome of vegetative life, the formation of the Embryo n, the assimilation of food, plant life, which very well could be considered manifestations of the will and action of the magnet to us in such appearances.
, demonstrated at once, first in animals, then plants, and finally inanimate bodies. What is, however, self-esteem, not being willing to preserve the very existence, will to live? When processing thecomparative anatomy, I will quote another passage from the same book more decisively confirms my doctrine. In the view taken by Dr. von Sigriz in his class in Munich in August 1835 (thesis entitled: 1.
Asiatic Researches, vol. 8, pg. 426), which says
I have reduced the life force will not object, otherwise the old division of their functions in reproductivity, irritability and sensitivity. Distincióny remains deep this time giving interesting considerations.
, objectified in the muscle fibers, is the capital nature of the animal and human animal. If he prevails, he is often seen in perseverance, strength and bravery, aptitude for physical effort and the war (Spartans). Almost all warm-blooded animals and even insects surpass by far the irritability of man. In the irritability that is what m & aA stamp of vulgarity, not seeing them as their peers, fell into the natural mistake of believing his normal constitution. In this sense Diogenes with his lantern looking for a man, the great Koheleth says , and thanks in Critic, the largest and most beautiful allegory might has been written, says (1)
Filmy Online Pl Gratis free spirits, Schopenhauer,
. I recommend as an extension here said. In Parerga
p; iacute; as any momentary volition isolated immediately and infallibly shows outer intuition in the body as a share of the same, so to will all of the animals, the complex of all trends, must have its duly reflected in the actual body all in the constitution of his body, having to be the largest possible match between the end of the general will and the means to achieve they will provide your organization. Or, in four words, that the whole character of his will have to be with respect to the figure and constitution of his body in the same relationship that is increasingly vodo naturalist, has reached the point where you have to stop, by hitting the metaphysical, which is there with the ultimate unknowable, beyond which falls outside its research nature, and there , is where the inclinations and appetites, that is, the will. , this would be the brief expression of your last result.
Equally expressive is the testimony that has contributed to my learned and profound truth in his great Burdach Physiology, which is the ultimate reasons of gender ; genesis ofdoctrine, the passage that recalls the ancient Mahabharata, it is difficult not to take from this point of view, the mystical expression of truth itself. The song is third episode of Sunda and Upasunda, in published by Bopp in 1824. Tilsttama Brahma has created the most beautiful of all women, and surrounds the assembly of the gods, Siva has such desires to contemplate that, as it travels on the circle, and four faces nácenle , as the point of view, that is, according to the four regions. May refer to this representation of Shiva with five heads, as Panch, Mukhti, Siva. Similarly, and with occasional; Periodically.
weaken and, moreover, the physico-theological proof empirical observation that the work of animal instinct the spider's web, the hive of bees, termites housing, etc., we are presented as if they were daughters of a final concept, a wide previsióny rational deliberationl, when in fact the work of a blind instinct, that is, a will is not guided by intelligence, it follows that it is not certain that such a provision as follows, basing it on this way of being the things. Chap. 27 of the second volume of my major work will find themselves on a thorough consideration of instinct. That chapter, which precedes it on teleology, which complement can be used all covered here.
look more closely at the aforementioned changes to the organization of each animal in its own way of living and measures
developed in singing IV, 825-843 . Only in this case remains unexplained, how totally different body parts of an animal respond together to their way of life that no other court to interfere, but ma , s good to help each other, nor is either unavailable, or serve better any subordinate body to another way of living, while only & oacuteto future generations that know not termites. The bird's neck is usually, like quadrupeds, as long as their legs in order to reach their food and land, but in the wading is often much longer because they will seek, swimming, his food under the water surface. I saw a hummingbird whose peak was as long as the bird all from head to tail. This hummingbird would, no doubt, to seek their pittance at some depth, if only of a deep cup of flower ( Cuvier, anat. comp., Vol. IV, p. . 374), it would not have made without the luxury of such a bill, carGando with all his weight. Marsh birds have disproportionately long legs to wade through puddles without immersion or wet, and according to them very long neck and beak, the last strong or weak, as they have to grind reptiles, fish or worms , which always correspond to the viscera, and on the other hand have no such birds or raptors claws or webbed like a duck, as the lex parsimoniœ naturœ body does not allow any superfluous. This law, together with that other animal that lacks any organ that requires its way of life but all, even the most diverse, matching between s & ivora, burjaca, knife and clothing. Not that pull the boar because it takes strength shotgun, but has taken it and not the bird because salíaa boar, and bull rushes because it has horns, but has horns because he wants ram. Completes the proof of the fact that in many animals, while still on growth, expresses the aspiration to be willful to serve as a member and use precedes its existence. So gore lambs, kids and calves head, just before you have horns, the boar heads left and right blows around itself while still missingan tusks that respond to the desired effect, not using, instead of having small teeth and jaw and to those who might bite. So her defense mode is not addressed by the weapons he has, but the reverse. This was noted and Galen (USU partium anim. I, 1) and before he Lucretius (V. 1032-39), and hence obtain the complete certainty that it is not the will, which something adventitious, arising perhaps from the intelligence, use of the instruments is So since then using the party for being there with them and not others, but the first and original is the effort to live thatway to fight so and not otherwise, an effort that is evident not only use but also on the existence of weapons and more so as it often precedes é sta, indicating that the weapons are produced because there is effort, not vice versa. This is what happens with any party in general. Aristotle expressed this by saying the armed insect sting
The end result is that every animal has been structure according to his will.
Examine the many figures of animals to see how it is not, in any case, each of them nothing but the image of his will, sensitive expression of volitional tendencies, which are those that build character. The diversity of figures is only the transcript of the diversity of characters. Predatory animals, which purports to fighting and theft, are presented with terrible jaws and claws and strong muscles, his penetrating gaze into the distance, especially when they have to stalk their prey from a height that loom ahead, as they happens to the eagle and the cas, not being a contradiction. Manifested every special effort of will in a special modification of the figure, with the result that the figure determined tracker where the dam lives, if it withdraws to hard elements accessible, hidden corners, on the night and darkness, making the tracker way that best fits such an environment, without any so grotesque that the magazine will not achieve its purpose. Should the cross-peak (Loxia curvirostra ) the enormous figure of the masticatory apparatus that has to get seed that thrives in the scales of the pineapple. To find reptiles in the swamps is what hasNo wading his strange figure, his long neck, long legs and long beaks. To dig termites have anteater four feet long with short legs, long claws and strong jaws and small and toothless, but having a sticky tongue and thready. Go fishing pelican with a monstrous bag of peak to save her lots of fish. To fall evening on the sleepers, owls flying bear disproportionately large eyes that allow them to see in the dark, and quite soft feathers that, with silent flight, not wake the sleeping. Catfish, electric eel and torpedo have a complete electrical device to stun their prey beforeto reach it, and to fend off their pursuers. Which encourages one another to devour living
, which follows the maxilla chelestoma
, although neither eats nor is he ate, but because later put the second eggs in the nest of the first, preventing the development of it, which does not know yet. With such anticipations were confirmed once again the ideality of time, generally ideality arises whenever the will as the thing itself, it is. As treated here, as &, Iacute, as in other respects, sírvense of mutual explanation of animal instincts and physiological functions, because in both cases will work without knowledge.
As I could not be at hand
under that name might add to the three tests cited by Kant fourth test
to terror that defines the old phrase primus Petronio in Deus fecit timor
Natural history of religion, of Hume. Understood in the same direction, could have tested their truth also attempted by the theologian Schleiermacher, basrecovery from a substance in the feeling of dependence, although not really intended to give the set.
How To Stop Electric Shower Dripping free spirits, Nietzsche,
But today, the "tide of nihilism", or the national-revolutionaries understand once and for all the size of the message of Nietzsche, or fall into a sentimental tartuffery, and thus more will put in their work, hinder rather than help to the formation of the new elite to be or should be formed. "God is dead" and with it: religion, morality, parental. You need a "New Hom-ber." National Socialism was far who led the formation of this, but it was inevitable that outsideranging from publications issued by the "File Nietzsche." On 1 October 5 of that year, in Weimar and in the presence of Hitler solemnly marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher. In 1937 a new building stands for the "File Nietzsche." Mussolini Hitler gives to Nietzsche's complete works bound in leather (it should be noted that the two most influential thinkers in the Duce, were Nietzsche and Sorel). In the book "Conversations on war and peace" there is the next manifestation of Hitler: "In the" hall "Linz Library can see the busts of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. The English, the franceses and Americans are not able to align philosophers of this size ... Nietzsche has overcome the pessimism of Schopenhauer beautifully. " Top honors by Hitler into a German nobleman, only what we see in the person of Wagner.
In another order, more especially if you like, Otto Skorzenny, considered until the end of the war, as the man "most dangerous in Europe" for its stunning feat , among others, the liberation of the Duce, titled his first book of memories with Nietzsche's famous phrase "Live Dangerously" and when he recounts his experiences and conversationsASSESSING, give a strong yes to the facts and self-affirmation by the accióny for the fight. "
He continues: "We can recognize an influence of this philosophy in the attitudes of German youth in the ranks of National Socialism during the Second World War. Attitude disillusioned, skeptical about universal values, but, by a strong-will, affirms and deify their own collective existence "Race and the State Germanic, and delivery of desperately to fight the waiting-ba see emerge the self and the meaning of life & rdquoor, (Simple History of Philosophy, Ed Rialp).
At 15 he entered Pforta school and high school courses in it should be noted that entry into this prestigious school as obtained by a scholarship. The above Inteland it would throughout his life was Paul Deusen, who later became the great orientalist due to his work on the Vedanta, which is still classic (which means, currently unknown.) In 1864, finished high school in Pforta, he entered the University of Bonn for further studies of classical philology and theology, but soon abandoned this last area to devote himself entirely to philology, that in physiology points of support is essential, along with his intuition about the moral problem classification given his philosophy, if it falls into an OSthat "Nietzsche is not, strictly speaking, policy-oriented. Has, broadly sympathetic to the growing greatness of Germany, but none by a Prussian, a very live like a free civic and intellectual development. "
holding these views can not be denied, it is a constant. And here comes just as the first apparent contradiction in his thinking. Due to these opinions and statements directed against the Germans, such as "Kill the spirit, you will always be the Reich", uttered with evident contempt, has servbeen for the intellectual liberalism always so eager to stray details, trying, as we have explained, but to appropriate it entirely, at least show that the national-revolutionary movements invoked without razóny advised to replace ; lines of "patron saint." And, as I said, many national-revolutionaries with little mental agility, running away from everything that is not concrete and tangible, clear look at him with distrust, sideways. Neither have gone further in their conclusions that the external effect produced by the print.
should habmediocre bad disunula the desire to deny life. " Well, then, what Nietzsche actually says? What do you mean by a free civic and intellectual development? Why, his evil eye to the Reich?.
first thing you see in this a nimble mind, or at least something that smells too moral at all the concrete is not referring to the large numbers, this should ; to jump to the eye, but you better Nietzsche with his power of synthesis we refer you. To cite this aphorism fifth chapter "What the Germans are lostendo "of his work TWILIGHT OF THE GODS:" What the "top schools" in Germany (and the entire civilized world we add) achieve in fact a brutal training to make the service profitable for the state with the least possible loss of time, a large number of young people. "Higher Education" and "are many things that contradict beforehand. All higher education belongs only to the exception. None of the big things, none of the beautiful things can never be good: (what is beautiful is a matter of a few men). What is it that determines decadalNo easy, compared to the super-Soviet states and democratic, it would have been naive to oppose Prince Frederick. Moreover, it should be remembered Hitler's aversion to bureaucracy, the absorbing power of the state on the initiative of the individual, the legislation over civil and criminal law nullifying the very spirit of justice for the benefit of the bureaucracy of law firms, etc. As all this is well established, we must seriously consider that Hitler was aware of the disadvantages posed a great state, but that global conditions imposed on this as other attitudes imposed well away from its principles. However, that during the war as; To this sombríoy energetic genius. " It is said that for fifteen days he was absorbed in rereading this book ten times.
Although the originality and depth of Nietzsche are incomparably superior to the old rival of Hegel, there is no doubt that this book opened the breach through which later entered the devastating wind of Zarathustra.
known in 1868, through Wagner's young wife, Cosima to mature and already famous composer, who thinks he sees in the young philosopher, a theorist of his mprinciple of current delivered to the auditorium of the University of Basel, waiting expectantly for word to the wise of 24, was on the personality of Homer and satisfy the most demanding. It was like a bold profession of faith, full of high hopes for what was perceived as a threat deep future innovations.
should be noted that Basel is close to Lucerne, where Wagner lived marriage and who made many visits, being deeply influenced by him ... or the means of persuasion of his young wife (hard and also & oacute; Socrates, the first rationalist and the first "Christian" with Plato, first socialist utopian ideal raw will give way to good and evil, to the highest moral rule in a word of the decadent resentment against life. All this assumes and Nietzsche eh plasma at this, his first work with which gives the contrast with the theories currently in use on the Greeks. Her exceptional gifts as a psychologist discover the origins of the decline that had been named an idealist. Let us listen to Nietzsche: "The knowl-edge, to say yes to is really a need for strong and are a mustto the great contempt. " This is our slogan, Nietzsche said so.
Continuing with "The Birth of Tragedy", the spell that caused the work was in two stages: first complete silence, broken only by Wagner and Erwin Rohde, later, philologists old enemies of Ritchl-very worried as Voltaire said, "in return misspell a word of a text before it was well understood" - take the opportunity to attack in the person of his young ex- students, who come to see as corrupting of university students. And indeed, in this work precisely the moand positivist as is a huge lack of vision, and more than that, a lack of cleanliness. The suitability of the sewer is for the latter, not the author of Zarathustra.
The truth is that students, teachers influenced by moralis-Tas, stopped attending classes and had to leave the university.
Before making a cursory examination of the "untimely", we look at a detail in all the work continuously nietzscheiana noticed an attack on the German or rather a just rebuke to certain German. He accuses them of having embroiled Europe in all matters, whether philosophical, theological and ethical, from reform to the early days of socialism. One shortcoming of Nietzsche is not to grant extenuating tell himself: "A yes, no, a straight line, a goal, so direct that formula has never been measures within itsgiven and has taken at face value, some form of not understanding at all. We note that since the Renaissance, or rather from the Lutheran Reformation, except for Descartes, all the major currents of thought have left Germany for good and ill. Germans considered guilty of having produced a Luther, a Kant, a Hegel, a nascent socialism, etc. and thus have flooded the European spirit, hopes that in itself could be expected from the Renaissance as a return to classical antiquity. At this point a detail goes unnoticed: when a nation takes the lead in one or more specified branches of history or of thought isthe same reason. In "Ecce Horno" he says, "proposed a religion overcoming maso less feurbachiana root, where the dogma of Christ disappeared to be replaced by a gospel of beer. "
The "Second Untimely", aims "on the usefulness of historical studies." "The current culture produces wise, Philistines, but can not create men to make history themselves." In this work, Nietzsche presents the scientific movement and corrosive abusehistorical method. History must be retained as necessary and then have the courage to overcome it. Those who claim that history will only provide wealth of data called "cultivated Philistines."
The "Fourth untimely: Wagner in Bayreuth" presents the glory he dreamed to Bayreuth and the reality was frustrated. He wanted a more pure Wagnerism not need the glory of the mass, and from there emerged the seed of a chosen minority towards a new era. This work, in fact, is a leading superimposed Wagner Nietzsche.
When Wagner received this document, nowas more than the praise that taxed the philosopher, did not realize that, in essence, Nietzsche, possibly without being aware of everything you despise and break their dependence on him. Therefore, Wagner writes warmly, asking him to come quickly to the testing of the Bayreuth Festival. Nietzsche hesitate to attend, knowing that it will mean his final break with the musical genius. Finally, assists, and the disappointment was swift. Bayreuth Nietzsche sees an ornate hangings, flags, fun, more to honor the Emperor William I, who for the musical drama itself. Listen crowds screaming and happy and in a fair and see that a lot of p &desktop search; PUBLIC Wagnerism celebrates with a good dose of beer. There is dumping the elite of the nobility, banking and snobbery. How different is what Nietzsche had imagined, full of quiet and friendly crowds in search of a new Return!
This is precisely where Nietzsche breaks all the conventions, he writes "Human, Too Human", which intersects with the work despite Wagner envíaa all: "Parsifal."
Cecer. But this threat that wants to destroy everything that is still worthy few, it is necessary to oppose new men. Invokes a new intellectual and warrior aristocracy, but with a new passion. Remember to point schools "Adolf Hitler" of leadership training and especially the SS, where is elite: repute proven, value also demonstrated excellent health. least six years of high school, etc.
In "The Gay Science, Nietzsche assert more this ideology, saying that intelligence is not enough" to be important & MDAs
Robert Stanley Collectionpirate
is important to note that already in "Aurora" Nietzsche gives a balanced importance Race and like all his philosophical or political not restricted to be German but European. In aphorism 272 reads: "THE CLEANSING OF THE RACE .- There is probably no pure races, but only refined, yet these are extremely rare. The most widespread are the mixed breeds, in which, along with defects of harmony in body shapes, there are mismatches necessarily in the ways and theiction depletion appearances always present, but must be judged with prudence and fairness. When the purification process has been completed, all the forces that once were lost in the struggle between inharmonious qualities are available to the whole organism, which is why races are always refined pre stronger and more beautiful. The Greeks (pre-Socratic) offer the example of a race and a refined civilization, and it is hoped will be achieved someday creating a race and a civilization No pure European. "
The "farming" and the purification of the race was the authentic religion of Hitler and the whole of Europe should be and all the white countries, this is a task for the future this is an ideal, otherwise pedantic chatter and nothing more. How right the Jew Karl Marx said that the only way to dominate Europe was through the "knut (whip Mughal) and the mixture of blood Kalmyk.
is curious and grotesque Diaye seen today in Spain, the largest vociferous of autonomy,self-defense of culture as a precious good, etc. not have the slightest sense toilet when accepting black Moors, etc. At the same time they feel a great admiration for the Jewish people, which has remained closed as possible in their customs and pairings, while ruthlessly attacking National Socialist Germany for trying to do something similar .. . Precisely in "Aurora" Nietzsche says: "Where are our weaknesses lie to stray our exaltation. The principle: "Love your enemies" had to be invented by the Jews, those who hate best, The Gay Science "written in Messina in 1882," Thus Spoke Zarathustra "which consists of four parts, which were written in stages and inspiracióny strokes, finally," Beyond Good and Evil (Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future). "
As Nietzsche himself say "Ecce Horno", outlining that thought it had a year earlier, in Sils-Maria: "... six thousand feet height above sea level and much higher over that of humans. "
"The Gay Cdquo; or "The Bible" justify an entire culture. The mode of expression is for the time much closer to them than discursive and rational tone. Everything is in it: the tradition, the great psychology, rhythm (tempo) of the Provençal troubadour, the refutation of the Bible, more specifically the New Testament, point by point as the great revelation. How far of Cartesian rationalism! What antithesis of Hegel's logic!
Exposed to the conventional mode, the four parts of "Zarathustra & rdquoor, are divided into the following topics: 1) Superman. 2) The Death of God. 3) The Will to Power. 4) The Eternal Return of the Identical. The work is another level of reading and reception that the usual theoretical pieces, is another worldview.
Well deserved, because, although a brief summary of these principles. What is Superman?
When Zarathustra, after ten years of solitude in the mountains goes back to the city, tells the people: "I teach the superhuman." The superhuman is really the man passed, the evolutionand not a term.
A superficial reading "classic" this might lead one to believe in a zoo-like transformation. "The superhuman is the meaning of the earth. I will spell it. Oh my brothers!, REMAIN LOYAL TO THE LAND. Do not believe those who speak to you supraterrestrial hopes. " The meaning of the earth is the acceptance of the Will to Power, making consciousness that is in man, which is yours, which is not emanating from the gods. The gods are merely the products of deep fear that man-te temple on his own strength.
Nietzsche, through psychologyto introspective or social, develops a systematic philosophy. His use of this method is rich in analysis, as the pleasure that is modern and primitive cruelty, in the dissection of female instincts in the discovery of sexuality yet in higher thoughts (Freud was quick to realize the game that could make this a part of nature, to proclaim essence of everything else). The German soul is laid bare down to its smallest details, the long record of his will and his skepticism fearless and virile, even in his mind certain character printsr military.
also Unravel the mystery of ages past and present, which has penetrated into the secrets that seemed more personal, and can thus capture the essence of life. For him, the "will to power" is the only force that ultimately governs the world. There is no law in nature that is based on compassion, and justice is to protect the weak, this is not only a degeneration of healthy and vigorous spirit of the best races humanity.
Lifed of spirit. Nietzsche The man who wants to create, makes a profession of faith in life and denies that perfection should be to restrict any part of its intrinsic strength. If science takes over, is not for
Here is a contradiction in Nietzsche, or rather a lack of divination. First the worker never has been taught to master, has been conscienzado to only be capable of serving as army clash in favor of the theorists of liberalism and socialism, which, as we have seen and followed-mind see so disgusted cause to Nietzsche.
Moreover, the fil & oacute, philosopher, sees in the Jewish desitegrador element par excellence, but it has probably passed unnoticed this close relationship, which owns a part of the high bench with the heads of all the liberal movements and socialists in Europe, mostly Jews, too. Could not guess that it was a joint action: low-high priests and people of Israel, for the exercise of universal domain as "chosen race" will have in store.
Perhaps this is a political issue rather than philosophical, and Nietzsche is more interestedThis requires a new elite that will form slowly but surely. When this happens is a sign that Europe will have regained his will to power.
nietzscheiano Continuing the thought on the labor problem, this is what is expressed in "The Antichrist", "THE who's who hate most among the rabble of today? The rabble of Socialists, the apostles of Chandala, whose small to be undermining the instinct of pleasure, the feeling of satisfaction that make labor-envious, who teach the revenge ... Injustice is never inunequal rights, but to claim equal rights ... What is wrong? But her and I said, everything that comes from weakness, envy, revenge. The anarchist and the Christian are from the same place ... "
" Antichrist "as well says A. Sánchez Pascual in his introduction this is a chew bone to be: "Who wants to live there from Nietzsche to gnaw the bone of" The Antichrist "and also swallow . And not only on the negative, easy thing, but on the positive. Not only NO, but also in the here and hidden SII n French and socialism, merely reopen the issues of Christianity and turn it resumes on its own all issues of a Jewish community dominated by the caste of priests, who, to strengthen its power need to retain a mass of oppressed, failures, and untimely. (Note that Europe is suffering proletarianization more than a century ago, the Jewish supercapitalism is over, if not done already, with the independence of private property-the antithesis of capitalism & mdash ;, likewise, political leaders and intellectuals such proletarians are only Jews or servants of these: Marx, Rosa Lra Nietzsche, the French Revolution with its doctrines egalitarian, humanitarian, fraternal, democratic, merely continue to Christianity (what would nowadays?): "For the French Revolution is the daughter and the continuation of Christianity, is instinctively hostile to same caste, the old privileges. "
a result of the French Revolution, socialism, tyranny exercised by fools and extreme poor, barely conceals the desire to deny life.