But today, the "tide of nihilism", or the national-revolutionaries understand once and for all the size of the message of Nietzsche, or fall into a sentimental tartuffery, and thus more will put in their work, hinder rather than help to the formation of the new elite to be or should be formed. "God is dead" and with it: religion, morality, parental. You need a "New Hom-ber." National Socialism was far who led the formation of this, but it was inevitable that outsideranging from publications issued by the "File Nietzsche." On 1 October 5 of that year, in Weimar and in the presence of Hitler solemnly marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher. In 1937 a new building stands for the "File Nietzsche." Mussolini Hitler gives to Nietzsche's complete works bound in leather (it should be noted that the two most influential thinkers in the Duce, were Nietzsche and Sorel). In the book "Conversations on war and peace" there is the next manifestation of Hitler: "In the" hall "Linz Library can see the busts of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. The English, the franceses and Americans are not able to align philosophers of this size ... Nietzsche has overcome the pessimism of Schopenhauer beautifully. " Top honors by Hitler into a German nobleman, only what we see in the person of Wagner.
In another order, more especially if you like, Otto Skorzenny, considered until the end of the war, as the man "most dangerous in Europe" for its stunning feat , among others, the liberation of the Duce, titled his first book of memories with Nietzsche's famous phrase "Live Dangerously" and when he recounts his experiences and conversationsASSESSING, give a strong yes to the facts and self-affirmation by the accióny for the fight. "
He continues: "We can recognize an influence of this philosophy in the attitudes of German youth in the ranks of National Socialism during the Second World War. Attitude disillusioned, skeptical about universal values, but, by a strong-will, affirms and deify their own collective existence "Race and the State Germanic, and delivery of desperately to fight the waiting-ba see emerge the self and the meaning of life & rdquoor, (Simple History of Philosophy, Ed Rialp).
At 15 he entered Pforta school and high school courses in it should be noted that entry into this prestigious school as obtained by a scholarship. The above Inteland it would throughout his life was Paul Deusen, who later became the great orientalist due to his work on the Vedanta, which is still classic (which means, currently unknown.) In 1864, finished high school in Pforta, he entered the University of Bonn for further studies of classical philology and theology, but soon abandoned this last area to devote himself entirely to philology, that in physiology points of support is essential, along with his intuition about the moral problem classification given his philosophy, if it falls into an OSthat "Nietzsche is not, strictly speaking, policy-oriented. Has, broadly sympathetic to the growing greatness of Germany, but none by a Prussian, a very live like a free civic and intellectual development. "
holding these views can not be denied, it is a constant. And here comes just as the first apparent contradiction in his thinking. Due to these opinions and statements directed against the Germans, such as "Kill the spirit, you will always be the Reich", uttered with evident contempt, has servbeen for the intellectual liberalism always so eager to stray details, trying, as we have explained, but to appropriate it entirely, at least show that the national-revolutionary movements invoked without razóny advised to replace ; lines of "patron saint." And, as I said, many national-revolutionaries with little mental agility, running away from everything that is not concrete and tangible, clear look at him with distrust, sideways. Neither have gone further in their conclusions that the external effect produced by the print.
should habmediocre bad disunula the desire to deny life. " Well, then, what Nietzsche actually says? What do you mean by a free civic and intellectual development? Why, his evil eye to the Reich?.
first thing you see in this a nimble mind, or at least something that smells too moral at all the concrete is not referring to the large numbers, this should ; to jump to the eye, but you better Nietzsche with his power of synthesis we refer you. To cite this aphorism fifth chapter "What the Germans are lostendo "of his work TWILIGHT OF THE GODS:" What the "top schools" in Germany (and the entire civilized world we add) achieve in fact a brutal training to make the service profitable for the state with the least possible loss of time, a large number of young people. "Higher Education" and "are many things that contradict beforehand. All higher education belongs only to the exception. None of the big things, none of the beautiful things can never be good: (what is beautiful is a matter of a few men). What is it that determines decadalNo easy, compared to the super-Soviet states and democratic, it would have been naive to oppose Prince Frederick. Moreover, it should be remembered Hitler's aversion to bureaucracy, the absorbing power of the state on the initiative of the individual, the legislation over civil and criminal law nullifying the very spirit of justice for the benefit of the bureaucracy of law firms, etc. As all this is well established, we must seriously consider that Hitler was aware of the disadvantages posed a great state, but that global conditions imposed on this as other attitudes imposed well away from its principles. However, that during the war as; To this sombríoy energetic genius. " It is said that for fifteen days he was absorbed in rereading this book ten times.
Although the originality and depth of Nietzsche are incomparably superior to the old rival of Hegel, there is no doubt that this book opened the breach through which later entered the devastating wind of Zarathustra.
known in 1868, through Wagner's young wife, Cosima to mature and already famous composer, who thinks he sees in the young philosopher, a theorist of his mprinciple of current delivered to the auditorium of the University of Basel, waiting expectantly for word to the wise of 24, was on the personality of Homer and satisfy the most demanding. It was like a bold profession of faith, full of high hopes for what was perceived as a threat deep future innovations.
should be noted that Basel is close to Lucerne, where Wagner lived marriage and who made many visits, being deeply influenced by him ... or the means of persuasion of his young wife (hard and also & oacute; Socrates, the first rationalist and the first "Christian" with Plato, first socialist utopian ideal raw will give way to good and evil, to the highest moral rule in a word of the decadent resentment against life. All this assumes and Nietzsche eh plasma at this, his first work with which gives the contrast with the theories currently in use on the Greeks. Her exceptional gifts as a psychologist discover the origins of the decline that had been named an idealist. Let us listen to Nietzsche: "The knowl-edge, to say yes to is really a need for strong and are a mustto the great contempt. " This is our slogan, Nietzsche said so.
Continuing with "The Birth of Tragedy", the spell that caused the work was in two stages: first complete silence, broken only by Wagner and Erwin Rohde, later, philologists old enemies of Ritchl-very worried as Voltaire said, "in return misspell a word of a text before it was well understood" - take the opportunity to attack in the person of his young ex- students, who come to see as corrupting of university students. And indeed, in this work precisely the moand positivist as is a huge lack of vision, and more than that, a lack of cleanliness. The suitability of the sewer is for the latter, not the author of Zarathustra.
The truth is that students, teachers influenced by moralis-Tas, stopped attending classes and had to leave the university.
Before making a cursory examination of the "untimely", we look at a detail in all the work continuously nietzscheiana noticed an attack on the German or rather a just rebuke to certain German. He accuses them of having embroiled Europe in all matters, whether philosophical, theological and ethical, from reform to the early days of socialism. One shortcoming of Nietzsche is not to grant extenuating tell himself: "A yes, no, a straight line, a goal, so direct that formula has never been measures within itsgiven and has taken at face value, some form of not understanding at all. We note that since the Renaissance, or rather from the Lutheran Reformation, except for Descartes, all the major currents of thought have left Germany for good and ill. Germans considered guilty of having produced a Luther, a Kant, a Hegel, a nascent socialism, etc. and thus have flooded the European spirit, hopes that in itself could be expected from the Renaissance as a return to classical antiquity. At this point a detail goes unnoticed: when a nation takes the lead in one or more specified branches of history or of thought isthe same reason. In "Ecce Horno" he says, "proposed a religion overcoming maso less feurbachiana root, where the dogma of Christ disappeared to be replaced by a gospel of beer. "
The "Second Untimely", aims "on the usefulness of historical studies." "The current culture produces wise, Philistines, but can not create men to make history themselves." In this work, Nietzsche presents the scientific movement and corrosive abusehistorical method. History must be retained as necessary and then have the courage to overcome it. Those who claim that history will only provide wealth of data called "cultivated Philistines."
The "Fourth untimely: Wagner in Bayreuth" presents the glory he dreamed to Bayreuth and the reality was frustrated. He wanted a more pure Wagnerism not need the glory of the mass, and from there emerged the seed of a chosen minority towards a new era. This work, in fact, is a leading superimposed Wagner Nietzsche.
When Wagner received this document, nowas more than the praise that taxed the philosopher, did not realize that, in essence, Nietzsche, possibly without being aware of everything you despise and break their dependence on him. Therefore, Wagner writes warmly, asking him to come quickly to the testing of the Bayreuth Festival. Nietzsche hesitate to attend, knowing that it will mean his final break with the musical genius. Finally, assists, and the disappointment was swift. Bayreuth Nietzsche sees an ornate hangings, flags, fun, more to honor the Emperor William I, who for the musical drama itself. Listen crowds screaming and happy and in a fair and see that a lot of p &desktop search; PUBLIC Wagnerism celebrates with a good dose of beer. There is dumping the elite of the nobility, banking and snobbery. How different is what Nietzsche had imagined, full of quiet and friendly crowds in search of a new Return!
This is precisely where Nietzsche breaks all the conventions, he writes "Human, Too Human", which intersects with the work despite Wagner envíaa all: "Parsifal."
Cecer. But this threat that wants to destroy everything that is still worthy few, it is necessary to oppose new men. Invokes a new intellectual and warrior aristocracy, but with a new passion. Remember to point schools "Adolf Hitler" of leadership training and especially the SS, where is elite: repute proven, value also demonstrated excellent health. least six years of high school, etc.
In "The Gay Science, Nietzsche assert more this ideology, saying that intelligence is not enough" to be important & MDAs
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