My flight took me Yonkis Series (I'm a fugitive rather vague), so I had to sacrifice a possible versionoriginal levels of awesome potential, but, after all, was just an experiment, so ...
Finally, the fact is that I've spent the entire 1st chapter repeating mantras, which have evolved as follows ...
1. "It has some flaws, but as it does respect the rest of the Arthurian legend"
2. "Well ... may simply have made some changes, APRA adapt to changing times ... "
3. "Hmmmm ... is clearly a reinterpretation of myth, where what counts is not the details, but human relationships ... "
the end I decided to lose all hope cthe Mongui, Arthur and Morgana to behave dangerously two-dimensional and for the love of God, somebody once a street that damn dragon !!... As re-hear a single "Merlin ..." more, sue them for inciting suicide.
In conclusion, I'll stay a couple of chapters Masy, once you've tried it awesomeantes that can become special effects, I decide whether or not ... Total, until I have in my possession all the chapter of Veronica Mars I still have a while ...
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