Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Should Cm Look Like Before Af free spirits, Rosenberg,

Rosenberg publish this text written in 1944, thanks to the translation. JM A text until now unknown in Castilian.

This text is an homage to Nietzsche Rosenberg, but mostly an exhibition presenting the arguments against Nietzsche as anti-German. Extracted

Mundo NS

Cas a totally different environment and written at different times, are placed in another setting, they become symbols for us in fleeting and isolated
particularly if we do not know the man and his complete essence

-structure. Items that can be often interpreted as signs of resistance or rejection of his German, are often indicative of a struggle against his own nature, against Deutschtum

, but rather of a fierce clash with the essence the world, as it appeared then. Much of what seems to be full of hatred is, in essence, hurt and disappointed love. Only if we understand this we will be able to understand not only lifeHowever, the educated classes and states had been maintained thanks to a "cash economy splendidly despicable." Never has the world was as mundane and low in love and courtesy, and during this time. The educated classes were passed or charity or shelter. Rather, they became more anxious and less considerate and kind. Everything, including contemporary art and science, was contributing to the "approximation of barbarism." The items 'cults' proved to be the greatest enemies of culture, as they sought to deceive about the essence of general illness suffered Alemaopposite phenomenon. It was therefore obvious that a certain Melancholy MUSTINESSS weighed heavily on the best of the time-an eternal humiliation due to the battle between honesty and deceit, a battle that was fought in his own breast. There was a lack of confidence in himself, he was unable to be both provider guíay culture to others. The spirit of journalism uprooted, whose name was occasionally himself philosophy rushed universities. With Fausto and Nathan the Wise in his lab themselves or that have emerged in volcanic eruptions. "There will always exist that support demigod and living victoriously live under such terrible conditions, if you want to hear her lonely song, listen to the music of Beethoven." Elsewhere Nietzsche says, "How can I find a great and productive spirit himself among a people that is no longer an internal drive, with its layer 'cult' so poorly educated and internally subverted ? ... How can this spirit resist if the unity of the Volk perception is dead, if you know the party thatCalling itself the cultured part of Volk,

and has appropriated for herself the artistic spirit of the nation, counterfeits and color that perception? "

Even the prospect of the total assessment, Nietzsche hopes once again based on the strong heart of German in a German

of skepticism, "the high spirit Frederick the Great among intellectuals "and more than once stated that when only the animal herd was praised and honored in Europe gave him; quand that Europe had to reach to an entirely different type of man to alter the destination. He offered a detailed critique of the whole social structure, a critique of the Marxist movement, which at that time had already been falsely labeled a socialist critique that, in logic and devastation n, it is unthinkable even today. For him, Marxism is the tyranny of the few, the stupid, ie, of the superfluous, the envious and those involved in court, taken to its ultimate conclusion. It was indeed the ultimate consequence of "modern ideas" and their subsequent anarchy. Nietzsche onTyrian class struggle. "Marxism requires a total subjugation of all citizens before an unconditional state has never existed"

. The premonition of the Marxist dictatorship that we go against us from Moscow as our mortal enemy, is clearly described here. Has allied itself with those forces that Nietzsche had drawn as being particularly dangerous. We can not say that Nietzsche could see every detail of the whole structure and psychology of communism. Nietzsche knew, however, that despite all the knowledent, the development path it embarked on probably could not be reversed in a short period of time that the great crisis of Germany and the European continent would be of this mixture of liberalism, plutocracy anarchy. He was deeply convinced that this mix introduced by the entire liberal movement "and here was a relentless hatred of Rousseau as the spiritual author of the contests - had to direct the altercation and perhaps more fearful also because of the tyranny. He believed that "the democratization of Europe is at the same time, an agreement for the breeding involuntaryAC can not be imagined. "

According to Rosenberg, the spirit of Nietzsche's collapse was reflected in his change of attitude toward Wagner. It was also symptomatic of an era that showed little sympathy for those who changed their values. This unfavorable attitude was completely European phenomenon. Germany alone was not guilty of the spiritual death of Nietzsche


"... Even if, in muchmp; oacute; phenomenon of decline was in progress, breaking the established traditions without being able to create new or to build new ideals ... "450px-Friedrich_Nietzsche_drawn_by_Hans_Olde.jpg

Germany would inherited Nietzsche sincere mission to save Europe. The German armies were defending not only Germany but the entire Western civilization -

"The Kulturbürger Europe, where powers of resistance were exhausted by drowsiness, andin the nineteenth century, a dangerous, destructive effort developed large ulcers which has led to a dreaded disease of the European essence. And at the same time, we see several prophets in the midst of these streams unhealthy prophets compelled to raise their voices to shatter these values that were so contrary to creativity and to help develop a new order of life.

Today we honor the reclusive Friedrich Nietzsche as one of them. After that strip us of all that is time-limit and also of all that is human too, this figure remains spiritually close to us today, stretched back in


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