Hope is the worst of evils, for prolonging the torment man.
Without music life would be a mistake.
The foul word and letter grossest are better, are more educatedas the silence.
Being independent is something of a small minority, is the privilege of the strong.
Having Faith means not wanting to know the truth.
No no reason to seek suffering, but if he comes and tries to get into your life, fear not look him in the face and with my head up.
Only building the future have the right to judge the past.
The most common lie is that with a man himself engaƱaaa, the unhappy animal.
Those who have most loved man have always done the most damage. Have called it impossible, as all lovers.
The truth is that we love life, not because we're used to it, but because we used to love.
In Revenge, like love, the woman is more barbarous than man.
Is man only a failure of God, or God only a failure of man?.
What we do is never understood, and always received only por the praise or criticism.
hate while not slighting. No one hates more than the same or higher.
All deep wells live their experiences slowly, they have to wait long to know what had hit their depth. ;
Sex is a trick of nature did not die for
Hope is a vital stimulant well above chance.
There are souls enslaved to thank both received favors that are choked with the rope of gratitudeC
Just understand that we can answer those questions.
forget one's missing after having confessed to another, but usually the other does not forget.
The man suffered so terribly in the world that has had to invent laughter.
God is dead. It seems that the men killed.
Our destiny exercises its influence over us even as we still have not learned their nature dictates our future, our current laws.
Denying God will , the & uacuyou; only way to save the world.
The marriageable age comes much earlier than loving each other.
dementia in the individual is rare, in groups, parties, in villages, at times, is the rule.
The simplicity and naturalness are the supreme and ultimate end of culture.
Great style beauty comes when you get victory over the enormity.
Is not life a hundred times too short to get bored?
The real world is much smaller than the world of
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