Line Interesting book on Schopenhauer and some links essential philosopher.
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"Parerga and Chronicles" CHT
world "want is essentially to suffer, and how to live is to love, all life is essentially pain. The higher being, more suffering ... Man's life is nothing but a struggle for existence, with the certainty of being defeated. Life is a relentless hunt, where beings, sometimes other hunters and hunted, vie for the scraps of a horrible prey. It is a natural history of pain, which can be summarized as: love without reason, to suffer forever, fighting continued, and then die ... And so on for ever and ever until shred our planet. "
" Our world civilizationmp; eacute; s, evil, evil alien who wants and gets to the utmost cruelty and pity lately, who wants the good of others and reach the generosity, the greatness of soul. Every human action must refer to one of these 3 phones, or even both at once. "
On the natural goodness of man
" Imagine deleted forces, that is, removed the muzzle. Retrocederíais with horror at the spectacle ofreceríaa your eyes, which show that each figure easily. Is not this enough to confess how little rootingcute, to understand what the spirit had been clear at first sight. It is true that in the meantime be patient, because a man of fair trial among people who are in error will be similar to the one whose clock is going well in a city where all the clocks go unkempt. He knows the exact time, but so what?. Everyone is guided by the public clocks which mark fatal hour, even those who know that only the clock tells the time of the first true. "" Every society necessarily requires a mutual accommodation, a temperament, and the more numbersa, is more insipid. You can not truly be oneself, but while one only, therefore, who does not love solitude, love freedom, because it is a free but being alone. "
" Ah! When the quality of society to replace the amount, then it will be worth living even in the big world, but a hundred fools do not put in a man plenty of talent. "
happiness "But most of all contributes directly to our happiness, is a jovial mood, because this good quality is immediately rewardedaccount if we have reason to be happy in every respect, or fear that keep us from serious meditations or serious concerns, and yet, it is uncertain that they can improve our situation, whereas the joy is an immediate benefit. She alone is, so to speak, the coin of the realm of happiness. "
" It is true that nothing contributes less to happiness than wealth, and nothing contributes more to health, in the lower classes, between workers of the earth, we see the happy faces and happy, in the rich and great figures dominate the melancholy. "
poetry, serious and moving rhythmically, but very slowly, producing in Europe a dozen works by century, but work remaining. The other literature is written by men who live on science or poetry, filling the market every year with many thousands of works, but after a few years: where is n the works? Where is the glory as fast and loud? You can call a permanent literature and another passenger. "
" There is no greater spiritual enjoyment that reading the classics: reading, although about half an hour, purifies us, recreate, refresh, lifts and strengthens codo the public that is where he has departed. "
religion" Truly it is not Judaism but Brahmanism and Buddhism who , for their spirit and moral trend, approach to Christianity. The spirit and the moral are the essence of a religion, not the myths that surround it. The spirit of the Old Testament is really foreign to the pure Christianity, because in all the New Testament it is the world as a thing which does not belong and does not love a thing which is under the rule of devil. This is consistent with the spiritor of asceticism, renunciation and victory over the world with the spirit of neighborly love and forgiveness of injuries, said the main feature and the close affinity that bind to Christianity Brahmanism and Buddhism. "
" How poor is limited and normal human intellect, and how little clarity of consciousness, we perceive that, despite the fleeting brevity of human life thrown into the infinite time The misery of our existence, the infinite puzzles, to the significance of many appearances and the lack of life, despite everything, not philosophize all the time but only a few few exceptions perfect. The toos living in this dream, almost like animals, which finally distinguished only by having the foresight of some years. Metaphysical necessity that may feel is expected from above and in advance by the religions that satisfy them, are like whatever. However, it may happen that the philosophy is much more quiet than it looks, even if this philosophy ... , Whatever. It really is our very deplorable situation, living a period of time is fraught with difficulties, miseries, anxieties and pains without even knowing where we came from, where we go, and with all this have to hear even the clé , clerics of all colors, withcloser to finding the truth is not the false appearance of things arises, leading to the error, nor weakness immediately intelligence, but the budget review, the bias is imposed as a priori impediment to truth. " " ... the brilliant period was another immediately Kant in German philosophy which sought to convince rather than impose, be bright and hyperbolic, but rather of profound incomprehensible and clear .[...] For in Hegel and his followers reached the superlative the impertinence to write nonsense, and the claim without conscience, and the clear intention of these deaf handling, so that was finally of manUOT; The intelligence is not a large scale, but intense, for it precludes a reasonable man its discretion to ten thousand and a thousand fools do not make a reasonable man. "
" What is lacking in most heads are qualities relatives: to judge and have their own ideas. Both qualities are missing in an incredible way and those who do not belong to them do not understand the sadness of her existence. "
" Genius is the objectivity of the intellect. "
" To have original ideas extraordinary and perhaps even immortal, just be completely alien to the world and things for a moment. "
or himself. If there is any a priori truth is this, it expresses the general form of the experience, the most general, including space, time and causality, since the pose. "
" Any satisfaction n, or what is commonly called happiness, is by its nature, always negative, never positive. It is not something that exists by itself, but the satisfaction of a desire, for the first condition is to wish all to enjoy, have need of anything. But with the desire and satisfaction desperece therefore stops the condition of pleasure and the pleasure itself. Hence the happiness can not be satisfiedma more subtle and closer to the truth in Buddhism. Accordingly, when Christians are consoled themselves with the thought of being in another world in which shall retain their full and can recognize each other, in those other religions encounter occurs again, but under the disguise. [...] The old church history as evidence was difficult to eliminate this idea. Many of the heretics were in accordance with this primitive belief, for example, Simonians, Basilidians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Gnostic and Manichaean. "
" ... optimism is not only false but also n perniciousdoctrine, it presents life as a desirable state and happiness as its essence and purpose. From this, everyone can believe as more legitimate to proclaim the joy and happiness. If, as usually happens that does not come into the lot, believe they suffer an injustice, and in fact lose the balance point of its existence, instead of all this, much more correct is to remember the work, deprivation, misery and suffering, crowned by death, as the very essence and purpose of our life (as stated by Brahmanism and Buddhism, and also the genuine Christianity), and that success is to deny that will -of-living. In the New Testament, the world ispresented as a vale of tears, life as a process of purification, and the symbol of Christianity is an instrument of torture. " " If I wanted to bring the results of my philosophy towards a banner of truth, I must give prominence to Buddhism on the other. In any case, it is my pleasure to see how my teaching is in tune with a religion that most men on earth have adopted as their own because their followers are than any other. And this match is more pleasing to me when I see that my philosophical development was certainly not under their influence.do instructed in his doctrine, becomes his follower. "
Microcosm and macrocosm" (a dialogue between the subject and the subject of knowledge):
concerning the apparently defective the contradiction between materialism and idealism could be clarified through dialogue between the subject and the subject, a drama that also could be entitled "macrocosm and microcosm: The
Subject: I am and beside me there is nothing, because the world is my representation.
Matter: What delirium so bold! - I, Ira condition.
Fortunately the boldness of your assertions will be made soon on their site and not thanks to mere words, some moments Masy stop being nothing really, nothing will sink in along with your bombast, after you've swung that a shadow spectral temporarily run the fate of each of my ephemeral forms. But I, however, remain intact and undiminished through the centuries, through infinite time, and witnessed the game undaunted transformations of my ways.
The Subject: This time
infinite pride you through, andlikewise infinite space, they exist only on my behalf, given that they are mere forms of my representation, that representation albergo in me and where you show up, allowing for everything you are. The destruction that threaten me, it concerns me, because otherwise you would see you destroyed along with me, that destruction is concerned only the individual who is my carrier for some time and that, like all Moreover, it is represented by me. Matter:
Even if you grant it and admit it, your existence, to which this transient is tightly lsister, shape, without which there will never manifest. To you, like me, no eye has seen you naked and alone, as both are mere abstractions, and therefore beings of reason. A being is at the end of the day, something that intuits itself and is sensed in him, even though its existence in itself can not be to the intuition or the process of being sensed, papers we split between them.
We are therefore inextricably linked as necessary parts of a whole, which includes us both and is above them like a superior gender. Just a misunderstanding that could confront each combat theres just a phenomenon emerged under space and time, are only forms of all objects in my brain power to know conditions for it, hence also the plurality and diversity of individuals as mere phenomenon, that is, that exists only on my behalf. My true essence, internal, exists in all living things in a way as immediate as that in which I expressed myself exclusively to my self. This knowledge, embodied in the use of Sanskrit is the phrase "tat-twan asi", ie "this is you", is shown as compassion, in the que, therefore, underlying all genuine virtue, that is, selfless, and real expression of which is all good deeds. Is ultimately this knowledge which directs all the clemency appeal, charity, mercy instead of justice: for such an appeal is a reminder of the consideration in the we are all one and the same being. Instead, selfishness, envy, hatred, persecution, hardness, revenge, sadism and cruelty are based on that first knowledge and are satisfied with it. The emotion and the joy we feel when we hear, even more to see, and above all to make ourselves an accident & oacute n noble, is based on the merits in the knowledge that, beyond all plurality and diversity of individuals that the principium individuationis us, is a unit of them all is truly existing even accessible to us, that highlights factually. "
" Metaphysics of Morals "
" The State is, therefore, the middle market selfishness which allied with the reason you try to dodge their own fateful results, which are turned against himself, particularly those of Eris (goddess of discord), and each prmarie lot to the country of Jauja. Now, on the one hand, the state is always far behind in achieving that goal and, on the other, always remain innumerable evils that are inherent to life and are steeped in suffering, in addition to that, never would no longer meet the purpose and dessert wing with boredom, with that boredom is always ready to take place immediately vacate any of the other evils. In short, the state is unable even to banish discord between individuals who, when they are closed the big fights, like a ship with small skirmishes. And finally, when Eris is happily expelled from the interior, returnsyour intelligence, which is of secondary origin and later, and can therefore, replace and demonstrate the will without intelligence, what actually happens in real and all nature, from the animal down. "
"Teach, also my philosophy that the isolated manifestations of this commitment are set in motion in sentient beings, that is, animals on grounds, but no less so in organic life ; unique animal and plant by excitations, and organic, for simple reasons. "