"After that I continued - compare our nature about their education and their lack of education with an experience like this. Represent men in an underground dwelling in a cave, which is open entry, in its entirety in the light. It
around the head. Above and beyond is a fire l light that shines behind them, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a wall built side by side as the screen before the puppeteers
up for public display, above the screen, the puppets. "I can imagine. - Imagine now that, on the other side of the septum, leading
shadows pass all manner of vessels and figurines of humans and other animals, made of wood and stone
of various kinds, and among those who spend a talk and
other silent. Strange comparison
-do,and strange are these prisoners.
"But they're just like us. Well first, do you think you have seen other
themselves or each other, nothing but the shadows cast by the fire
part of the cave they have against it?
"Of course not, if all their life are forced not to move the heads.
- And is not the case with objects that carry the passing of another of
"Then, if dialogue between them, do not you think they would understand to be
naming the objects that pass by and they see?
"And if the detention is counted with an echo from the wall they have against each other, and
one of those passing across the septum to speak,"
not think believe that what they hear comes from the shadow that passes in front of them?
- By Jove, yes!
- And that the real prisoners should not have anything but the shadows of artificial objects transported
- it's every need.
- Examine now the case of a release from his chains and
cure your ignorance, what if this happen to them naturally:
one of them was released and forced to stand up suddenly, back neck and go looking
light and, in doing all this suffering and because of the glare
was unable to perceive those things whose shadows had
seen before. What do you think would respond if you say that whatI'm the light of the stars and the moon more easily than,
during the day, the sun and sunlight.
"No doubt.
- Finally, I could feel the sun, not in images
water or other places that are strange, but contemplate how it is in and of itself, in its own area
-After which would conclude, with respect to the sun, which is what causes the seasons and years
that governs everything in the visible area and that in some way
is because of things they had seen.
- It is clear that after all this, would arrive at such conclusions.
- And if you remember your first home, the type of existing knowledge there and then compared their
Homer, and "I'd rather be a farmer
was a poor man's servant" or bear anything rather than return to their previous
mode and say that life?
- So I also think that would suffer anything rather than endure this
- think now this: if you come down again and take his own seat, "
not have eyes dimmed by darkness, the sun suddenly arrive?
- No doubt.
- And if I were to discriminate against those shadows back in
tough competition with those who have kept the chains at all times, confusingly
and see until your eyes are rearranged in this state and at one time accustomed
nothing short would not be exposed
ridicule because it was said that, having risen to the top, had broken the
eyes, and not even worth intentions go up? And if
tried to untie them and bring them to light, do not you kill, if they could
it in their hands and kill him?
- Sure.
- Well, my dear Glaucon, we have fully implemented this
elegorÃa to what has previously been said, comparing the region who is manifested through
of sight with the house-prison, and light the fire that she has in
power of the sun, compares, on the other hand, contemplating the rise and
things up with the path of the soul to the intelligible level and not go wrong in how
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