"The only constant is the idiot, because he knows that it is" Oscar Wilde
The first condition for a decline is that most,
comfortable selfish people, those who never do anything for
all, these, firmly believe that there is a decline in
society, indeed, believe that they are 'the best of possible worlds',
as Voltaire would say the talk of 'Candide'. The second condition is
people occupying higher positions, leadersRLO. So the declines are
always a cavalcade of fools led by evil ....
all ran happily toward disaster, some through stupidity and
comfort, and others for selfish ambition of the present and future
contempt. Some believe that 'and fix it' and other 'after me the deluge
. "
Church rots in decline while the faithful go to church as if nothing happened
bishops and covenant and eat at the same table in
Masons and secularists who dig the ruin of religion.
That infernal pact between the masses and the evil is the sign of the times
, has always been. Therefore
combating decadence is always a battle against
the sign of timelturales ... "
" The Darkness of the West ", Vicente Risco
disease to detect decay there's nothing better than
analyze what state is the Grand Style, that is how he sees the company
style acts worthy, unique facts of heroism or sacrifice
, acts which show a deep human integrity, a lofty and elegant
sensitivity, a high regard for the human,
where the behavior becomes extremely honorable, that Great
distinguishes Style human quality. See where Art is sensitive, where the generosity
flowers and response to rudeness is the
In the society called 'Western' current best commercial and would call
siouda unpaid, no noble behavior
albeit at the expense of losing positions or perks, there is already high, but rebels
softly. So now when someone says he is a rebel
usually means that it is even more repulsive, with tastes nasty and under what society accepts, is the rebellion at low. The rebel who claims to be transsexual, drug addict or supporter
the most complete debauchery. What is missing is the Rebel before,
it was because he considered vile and debased society and rebellion was
against social misery that tell against a
bizarre behavior by the noble and radical. Quevedo or
Drieu la Rochelle, to name two examples, UnamunoBureaucratism XC social, as they dry the hearts and minds
constrict, as you lose the sensitivity to the great ideas and great passions
. Philistinism, cowardice, dishonesty and will
, bad conscience, have taken over all souls and spirits
few vigorous hampered by the hostility of the environment.
The European is a miserable man physically and spiritually,
degenerated into civil life, like animals degenerate
So life has diminished, it has become petty and cowardly, hypocritical
, sly, not ideal. So the general tone of European civilization is the baseness
. "
This descRisco ripciĆ³n is accurate, many years ago, and certainly if he had known
today's world do not even have bothered to criticize
therefore could not conceive
degree of degradation to which we have now.
Recently a Swiss court has convicted the leader of the animal protection association
Erwin Kessler for 'racial discrimination' to condemn the ritual murder
animals against Jews and Muslims.
Kessler is one of those individuals isolated and anonymous, but never shown
convictions, who puts
compassion for animals, her love for him with dignity, comfort or interest ... and although
his intention was only to save some poor animal deaths
assume power in political time, rather than engage in
their duty, to provide guidance on the values that society should follow.
In NS there is a deep spiritual mystic, a clear vision of the supremacy
values against the interest, and with it the intention of using public forms
honor those values. So the ceremonies for the fallen
, nightly torch parades, parties
in crop farming, the simple folk religious ceremonies, everything was
supported and promoted by the NS as a way to remember
'religiously' (in the broad sense the word 'religion') the values that underpin
each of these ceremonies: The Honor of
who sacrifice for the icommon interest measure, community spirit (
racial if you want to use that word), the beauty of life in nature, the dignity of work
to money, the Christian love of neighbor, ect .... Recently
Tahar Ben Jelloun, Zionist Jew and as such miserable
rewarded by the system, calls out the possibility that
Muslim women wear the headscarf in French schools.
speaks of secularism as the best democratic solution. Of course not
criticizes Israel, confessional state where it exists, the power of the rabbis there,
Jewish bonnet use, etc ...
Our view is quite the opposite, even in Europe is positive
immigrants (while failure to achieve reintegration into their pu
eblos of origin) carry all types of identity that
grouped into communities of their own. Secularism is an attack on the identity and a more equal
globalizing the system.
The system has as its primary enemy, the Grand Style, Values
or sublime. And second, the spirituality that is the external view and
ritual of these values.
at the forefront of 24 -6 to 03 is exposed as the European Constitution that seeks to impose
international usury
trying to appoint as bases of the origins of the Masons Europe (called 'lights'), but avoiding any
reference to Christianity.
Marxism is identified in 'lights' as scientific materialism is c
more in 'person', have no values, they lack the higher is filled with
scientistic materialism.
"In the eighteenth century, La Mettrie, Helvetius, D'Holbach and the Encyclopedia
want the clear and distinct knowledge, ie science,
enough for the perfection of humanity. Science pursues the unattainable identity
of thought and being:
wants to be the absolute knowledge of the nature of things, namely the belief
opposite tries to explain the world and man. In the golden age of Positivism
was thought possible: the learned were applied to reduce the facts
Spiritual to biological facts, facts to facts
biological physical-chemical and physico-chemical facts to
mechanical facts, it was the triumph of mechanism, initiated by
Pythagoras. They wanted to scientifically explain society, religion, art
, genius, crime ... Science was to give reality as
is ... "('The darkness of the West', Vicente Risco).
Science can not explain the Man, the only full trauma, society
Zoo becomes a neurotic, decadent and corrupt
without values, after the Golden Utility. And in that state
Work stops being a quality community partnerships to keep
to be just the pursuit of greed. C lost their sense sacred and honorable. Soldiers become mercenaries and people just struggling to
salaries. Mercenaries, mercenary violence, professional,
may be even more brutal but no longer has the mythic base
The decline is always shown by the desecration of the defense
, cowardice and fear to defend the honor, and finally the sentence
defense, which is the current stage: defense is a crime often and always
something 'not well seen. " Are prohibited
defend the people, even against drug dealers or thugs
groups, and any outbreak of dignity and defense is an intolerance or an attitude
'undemocratic'.decay of schools and countless trends,
proof that our time can not find your formula
artistic expression.
observation Clarity Pio Baroja,
is equal signs in the field of ethics.
is, the underlying problem in the decline is the lack of values, and art
this is reflected in the inability to conceive a real art, by
therefore must take a direction to replace something
values possible in mental state: originality, change, gender, income
, ect ....
decadent art has always been one that has replaced that
'mystical conception' or 'spiritual' true art behind the
circus, the, showor, the show of extravagance.
Because contrary to what one might think the danger is not in the art of Jewish-Zionist
poses a black box and white or
racist ideas or support to the political thesis of the system, it is nothing but propaganda
. No, the bad, the real decadent art, is in the
extravagance, is the belief that what is original is
winning because we're in a circus and fun is the reason for the art-trash
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