Julius Evola
1. THE ILLUSION OF PROGRESS wishful thinking is useless with the fantasy of false optimism, we are at the end of a cycle. Since centuries ago, first imperceptiblemind, then the movement of a mass that falls down a slope, there are multiple processes in the West have destroyed any normal and legitimate system of men, who have distorted even the highest Concepció n life, action, knowledge and combat. This fall, his speed and rapid issue has been called "progress." And this "progress" has been dedicated hymns and praises, and harbored the illusion that material civilization, civilization and machine-era civilization par excellence, the that would have been foreordained all the historyng, in the Middle Ages had endorsed the principle Roman Imperium, Germany and similar forces were awakened to reaffirm the principle of authority and primacy of those values that are rooted in blood, race and the deepest instincts of a race. And while in other European countries some groups are oriented in the same vein, a third force was aligned on the same battlefield in Asia: the nation of the samurai, in which the adoption external forms of modern civilization had not injured his loyalty to a warrior tradition, focuses on the symbolSolar Empire or divine right.
In these streams, the distinction between essential and accessory, was not always clear, nor had parallel ideas conviccióny adequate skills in people, even some influences were overcome those same forces that needed fighting. The ideological purification process could have been done in a second time, once they had been resolved some immediate and urgent political problems. But even so, it was clear he was taking shape a concentration of forces in defiance against the so-called civilization"Modern" democracies both heirs of the French Revolution to the embodiment of extreme limit of degradation of Western man: the civilization of the Fourth Estate collectivist, proletarian civilization of the mass man anonymous and faceless. The events were precipitated, accelerated the tension until it reaches the clash of opposing forces. What prevailed was the raw power of a coalition that backed away from a hybrid alliance of interests and ideological mobilization hypocritical to smash a world that was poniéndosand standing and trying to assert their right. Leaving aside the fact whether or not our men were at the height of business, if mistakes were made as to the sense of timing, preparation, if valued ... this does not affect. Also, we are not interested in the story take revenge on the victors, or that, by a sort of immanent justice, the democratic powers, having allied with the forces of subversion are wearing red for the senseless war to end of unconditional surrender and total destruction, see them turn against their allies of yesterday, this one much more formidable threat than it wanted to avert [The author refIERE the outcome of the Second World War and the process of the cold war. NdT].
only thing that matters is that today we are in the midst of a world in ruins. And the question to be asked is: Are there still men standing amid the ruins? What should or can do yet?
2 .- POLICY AND Metapolítica
This question actually exceeds the boundaries of yesterday, it is clear that winners and losers are from then on the same plane and that the only result of the Second World War has been to reducep, desktop search, n can be saved depends on the other hand, the existence of men who live not to preach formulas, but to be examples, not to go to meet the demagoguery and materialism of the masses but different ways to raise awareness and interest. Dereconstruir This is a new man after that, despite everything, still survives among the ruins, thanks to a specific cheer spirit and a good outlook on life, fortify faith by adhering diarrhea to certain principles. This is the real problem.

3. The "spirit Legionnaires'
On the spiritual level, there is indeed algn those for whom the order appears as a medium and the recognition of the illusory nature of the many myths leaves intact what they learned to conquer for themselves, on the borders of life and death, beyond ; the world of contingency. These forms of spirit can be the foundation of a new unit. The essential thing is to assume, apply and extend from wartime to peacetime, this peace which is merely a truce and a badly disorder content, until it is determined a discriminacióny a new front in training. This should be done in a much more essential lgiven you a "party" that can only be a contingent instrument in anticipation of certain political struggles, even more essential in terms that also represented by simple ; movement, if by "movement" means only a mass phenomenon and aggregation, a phenomenon quantitative rather than qualitative, based more on emotional factors in severe adhesive free ; na an idea. What is at issue is more of a quiet revolution of deep origin, this revolution must be the creation, within thetively, to the extent that we "not" should be. Faced with a rotten world whose principle is "do what you do see," or, well, "first the abdomen, the skin (as cited by Curzio Malaparte), then morals", or " ; these are not times when one can afford to have a character, or, finally: "I have a family to feed," we oppose this standard of conduct, firm and clear: "No we act otherwise, this is our way, this is our way of being. " Everything positive that you can get today or tomorrow will never be achieved through the ability dBemos have the eyes to measure their own strength and their own vocation. This figure is important and essential to recognize, has nothing to do with the class as a social and economic categories, or to the antagonisms that they are relative. This figure may be manifested in the form of the rich and the poor, the worker and the aristocrat, the entrepreneur and the researcher, technician, the theologian, the farmer, the politician in the strict sense . But this new substance known internal differentiation, perfect when no reasons to doubt about vocations to follow and the role of obedience and control, fournd the most pristine symbol of absolute authority to reign in the heart of the new hierarchical structures.
This defines a direction as anti-bourgeois and anti-proletarian, a totally free from contamination and lies democratic "social" and, therefore, directed toward a bright world, virile, articulated, made by men and male leaders. We despise the bourgeois myth of "security" of the standardized life petty, conformist, domesticated and "moralized." We despise the link itself all bland and mechanistic collectivist system and all ideologies thatvalues give the confusing "social" primacy over the heroic and spiritual values, through which must be defined in all domains, the kind of real man of the absolute person. Something essential when you wake up get back the love for a style of active impersonality, which is what counts, not the individual work in which we are able to consider as important not to ourselves but to the function n, responsibility, the task is accepted, the objective pursued. Where this spirit is claimed is simplify many problems of economic and social order, which would not SOLUCIONSi might be addressed from outside, without the prior elimination of ideological infection, starting, undermining all return to normal and even the very perception of what normal means.
5 .- links
decline as guidance not only doctrinal, but also for the world of action, it is important that men lined up on the new front accurately recognize the concatenation of causes and effects and the essential continuity of the current that has given rise to various forms policies now being debated in the chaos of the games. Liberalism, democracy, socialism, radicalismFinally, communism or Bolshevism but historically have not appeared as degrees of the same evil as stadiums prepared on the process of falling. The principle of this fall is at the point at which Western man broke ties with tradition, ignored all upper symbol of authority and sovereignty, claimed to individual himself as a vain and illusory freedom, became an atom rather than an integral part of the organic and hierarchical whole. The atom finally had to hit the mass of other atoms, lned, are bonded, are interdependent, and only reflect the various degrees of the same current, the same subversion of the normal social order and legitimate. Thus, the great illusion of our time is to believe that democracy and liberalism are the antithesis of communism and have the power to counter the tide of lower forces, than to use the jargon Ilama the movement is "progressive." It is an illusion: it is as if someone said that the sunset is the antithesis of the night, the emerging of a bad grade is the antithesis of an acute and endemic, a diluted venom is the antithesisESIS of the same poison in its pure and concentrated. The men of the Italian government of "liberated" have learned nothing from recent history, whose lessons have been repeated all over until the monotony, and they continue their game moving with outdated political concepts and empty into a carnival of parliament, which danse macabre on a dormant volcano. For us, however, be characteristic courage of radicalism, "no" that a political decay in all its forms, whether left or right alleged. And above all, one must be aware that with subversion does not covenant, which today means making concessions Countis, although under different forms of application, always and everywhere have been the foundation of a straight type of social organization and policy. Reject these whims and laugh at who you accuse of "antihistorical" and "reactionary." There is no written history as a mysterious entity capitalized. Are men, while these are indeed men who make and break the story, the so-called "historicism" is masochistic about the same as in environments left is called "progressive" and that only encourages Today's passivity towards the current increases and pushes downward. And as for &civilization that knows no other values than wealth, performance, unlimited production, which is that reductio ad absurdum exasperacióny chose Europe, and the same reasons it has taken shape or are taking. But the primitive, mechanism and brutality are either one or both elsewhere. In a sense, the "Americanism" is more dangerous than the Bolsheviks, being a sort of Trojan horse. When the attack on the residual values of the European tradition is carried on directly and own nude Bolshevism and Stalinism, still awake reacchalfway. Americanism, like it or not, works for his apparent enemy, collectivism.
6 .- Against the primacy of economic radicalism
Our reconstruction requires not give in, not only with any of the varieties of Marxist or socialist but not with what in general can be called hallucination demonism economy. This is the idea that individual and collective life the economic factor is the most important, real and decisive, that the concentration of values and interests in the economic and productive than the aberrationsNo record of modern Western man, but something normal, not a brutal and eventual necessity, but something to be desired and exalted. In this closed circle and dark are trapped both capitalism and Marxism. We must break this circle. While no more about that economic class, employment, wages, production, while thinking that real human progress, the true elevation of the individual, is only influenced by a particular distribution system No of wealth and property and relevant to poverty and welfare, the state of prosperity or utopian socialism, it will always remain in the planor what should be fought. We affirm that all that is economíae economic interest as a mere animal need satisfaction, has had, has and will always have a subordinate role in a normal human, that beyond this field should differ a higher order of values, political, spiritual and heroic, an order which-as we have said, do not know and does not even accept "proletarian" or "capitalists" and that only according to the order should define those things that makes life worth living and dying, a command to establish a true hierarchy, to differentiate newthat fascism has already found, fortunately, the passage obstructed? What's that to consider the formula of "socialization" as a kind of universal drug and increase the "social idea" a symbol of a new civilization that, who knows? how it should be beyond both the "East" and the "West"?
These dark spots are present, it must be admitted, in many spirits that are also in our own front. They think they are true to a slogan "Revolution", when in actualopposite noxious class formations, but as will find in the bosom of the company, the unit that solidarity of different forces that the capitalist malfeasance (with the most recent type and profiteer and parasite financial capital), on the one hand, and Marxist agitation, on the other, have damaged and broken. It is necessary to restore the company to a form of quasi-military unit in which the spirit of responsibility, the competition energíaya directs, be accompanied by the solidarity and loyalty from the workforce associated with around him in a common enterprise or mission. If appearance is considered legitimate andpositive, such is then the meaning of "socialization." But this designation, as shown, is inappropriate, it is more of an organic reconstruction of the company economíay and you should talk, and we should be wary , using this simple formula propaganda objectives, to flatter the spirit of revolt of the masses become "social justice" proletarian. The only real purpose is to rebuild the company's organic, and for this purpose is not necessary to resort to formulas designed to stimulate, in the context of dirty tricks electedRALES and propaganda, the spirit of revolt of the masses disguised as "social justice .. In general, you should recover the same active impersonal style, dignity, solidarity in production, which was the style of the old corporations or guilds of craftsmen and professionals. Unionism with its "struggle" and their authentic blackmail, of which we are not currently offer but too many examples, it should be outlawed. But, to repeat, this is starting to arrive from the interior. The important thing is that, against all forms of social resentment and rivalry, each able to recognize and love their own function, that is really coepor its very nature, recognizing the limits within which they can develop their potential and achieve self-perfection, for a craftsman who plays perfectly its role is undoubtedly superior to a king who deviates Alas that is not up to their dignity. In particular, we support a system of technical skills and corporate representatives to replace the parliamentary party, but note that technical hierarchies as a whole, can mean nothing more a degree in integrated hierarchy: is the order of the media, to be SubordInarsa the order of ends, which is thus in the strictly political and spiritual state. Talking, then, a "job status" or "production" is tantamount to making the party a whole and reduce, by analogy, a human body to its physical features are simply vital. One such choice, dark and dull, can not be our flag, as also the social idea. The real antithesis, both against the "East" as against the "West", not the "social ideal." It is, however, the integrated hierarchical idea. In this regard, any uncertainty is tolerable.
7 .-the organic concept has nothing to do with sclerosis of the idolatry of a centralized state or bulldozer. As individuals, the real improvement, both individualism and collectivism, is given only when men are faced with men in the natural diversity of his being and his dignity, having great importance to the ancient principle that "the supreme nobility of the leaders is not to be masters of slaves, but men who also love the freedom of those who obey them." As for the drive that should prevent a general rule, any form of disociacióny of absolutism of the particular, must be key elealmente spiritual, it should be and have a central influence counselor, an impulse that, according to domain, takes the most varied forms of expression. This is the true essence of the concept "organic" as opposed to rigid relations and intrinsic characteristic of "totalitarianism." In this context, the demand for freedom and human dignity that liberalism knows conceived solely in terms individualistic, egalitarian and private, can be performed fully. In this spirit should be studied the structure of a new political and social, of strong and clear links.
But these structures need a center, a supreme point of reference. We need fresh soberaníay symbol of authority. The slogan in this regard should be accurate, since we can not allow ideological distortions. It should clearly say that this is not about the so-called institutional problem but a subordinate, it is above all that which is necessary to achieve an "atmosphere" that makes possible the specific fluid to be encouraged all relationships of loyalty, dedication, service, selfless action, to truly overcome the gray, mechanical and twisted current political and social world. Inthis way today will end in a dead end if you are not able to assume a kind of asceticism of the pure idea. To many minds, the clear perception of the right direction is impaired both by some unhappy history of our national traditions as the tragic contingencies of the recent past. We are willing to admit the incoherence of the monarchical solution, if one thinks of those who today only know how to defend the residue of an idea, a symbol vacíoy desvirilizado, as is the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary. But likewise, we must declare our reject the republican idea. Being anti-democratic on the one hand, and another to defend "fiercely" (as is unfortunately the terminology of some examples of intransigence false) the idea is absurd Republican than meets the eye: the republic (in modern representation, as the ancient republics were aristocracies, as in Rome or oligarchies, they are often a matter of tyranny) belongs essentially to the world that emerged after the Jacobins and the subversion No anti-traditional and anti-hierarchical nineteenth century. To be left in this world then that is not ours. As regards Italy, it is useless to play mistakeintangible authority is perceived and resume its full meaning: a symbol that could not match the stature of any revocable "president" of the republic, nor an orator or popular leader, holder of a simple power report individual deprived of a better gift, a power based in fact in the precarious fascination it exerts on the irrational forces of the mass. This phenomenon, called by some "Bonapartist" has been interpreted fairly, not as the opposite of democracy, demagogic or "popular", but as its logical conclusion: the "Bonapartist" is one of the dark aparicions Spengler "Decline of the West." This is another touchstone for our test: sensitivity about all this. Already a Carlyle had spoken "in the world of the servants who want to be ruled by a pseudo-hero", not a Lord.
8 .- The Patriotic Idea
In a similar vein it should be pointed elsewhere. This is the position to be taken against the nationalism and the generic idea of homeland. This is particularly timely in that many, trying to save what can still be saved, would like to put forward a conception new rom & aacerence Europe can join forces, beyond the inevitable particularism inherent in the naturalistic conception of the nation and, even more, "nationalism. But more fundamental is the question of principle. Politically, as such, is the top units with respect to the units defined in naturalistic terms, such as those that correspond to the generic notions of nation, homeland and people. In this higher plane, what unites and divides the idea, an idea embodied by a certain elite aiming to materialize in the state. Therefore, the true fascist doctrine it in the best tradition pol &e; No Jacobin, oppose anything resembling an Order, men loyal to the principles, evidence of authority and legitimacy from just above the Idea. Although today it would be desirable, as for practical purposes are concerned, progress towards a new national solidarity, to achieve it should not descend to any compromise, the condition without which any outcome would be illusory is to isolate and take form a front defined by the idea, while political idea and vision of existence. Today there is no other way: it is necessary that, among the ruins, to renew the process of origins, who, based on the elites and a symbol of soberaníay of authority, people did join in the traditional big states, like many other emerging forms of formlessness. Not to be understood that the realism of the idea means to stay in a plane that is, at bottom, infrapolitical: the level of naturalism and sentimental, to say clearly to patriotic rhetoric.
And for that we would also support our idea in national traditions, would have to be careful, because there are a "national history" of inspiration Masonic and anti-traditional that specializes in face-attribute ; Italian national character to the most problematic aspectsItaly's history, beginning with the rebellion of the communities supported by the güelfismo. Thus, making a relief Italianness biased, in which we, who have chosen the Roman symbol, we can not even recognize. This Italian-ness is the left, with pleasure, who, with the "liberation" and the partisan movement, have entered the "second Risorgimento."
Idea, Orden, elite, State, men of Order. These are the terms that must remain the fundamental line, as long as possible.
9 .- outlook and modern myths
is now necessary to discuss the problem of culture. Indeed, the culture should not be overrated. What we call "world view" is not based on the books, is an inner form that can be more authentic in a person without a particular culture in an "intellectual" or a writer. Can be charged as grim fact of "free culture", available to everyone, that the individual is defenseless against the influences of all kinds, even when unable to be active against them, to discriminate and judge as a fair criterion.
But this is not the place to expand on that point. Suffice to say thattion that must be exposed and neutralized. Apart from historical materialism and economism, on what has already been mentioned, are also major centers of infection Darwinism, psychoanalysis, existentialism, neo-realism.
Against Darwinism should vindicate the fundamental dignity of the human person, recognizing their proper place, which is not a particular and Maso less evolved animal species among many differentiated by natural selection and would remain ; to linked to animal-origin and primitive, but a status such that virtually rises above the biological levelgive meaning to existence, to be a law and an intangible value against a radical nihilism, existentialism to meet a positive and, in his speech, "noble nature."
Such should be the directions to follow, which should not be intellectualized, but experienced, integrated into its immediate meaning to the inner life and own behavior. It is not possible while remaining rebel in one way or another, under the influence of these forms of false and distorted thinking. But, once detoxified, it can acquire the clarity, fairness, strength.
10 .- Realism and anti-bourgeois
The area between the culture and custom thererelationships between the forces that have preserved their integrity, who have not abdicated, and the dominant religion. For us, the secular state in all its forms, belongs to the past. In particular, we are opposed to one of their costumes, which in certain environments is presented as the "ethical state", the product of a weak, spurious, confusing vacíay philosophy "idealistic" ally once with fascism, but whose nature is such that it can provide comparable support in the framework of a simple game "dialectical" anti-fascism of Croce. This philosophy is not just a product of secular and humanist bourgeoisie, the qun "virtuísta" the human animal. Politically speaking, this spirituality can not but feel distrust toward everything that follows from certain aspects of the Christian-humanism, jusnaturalisrno, equality, the ideal of love and forgiveness, instead of the ideal of honor and of justice. Certainly, if Catholicism was able to depart from the contingent and political level, if able to do his ascetic elevation and if able, on this basis; as a continuation of the spirit of Best Middle Ages by the Crusaders, in turn faith into the soul of a block armed forces of a new compact Templar Order and inexorable against coroy that even today is experienced in terms of contingencies. The essential thing is not to descend to the level of the opponents, not just follow simple instructions, do not insist too much on what depends on the past and that even being worthy of being remembered, not the current value of an idea impersonal -force, in short, failing to yield to the suggestions of false realism politician, a problem of all "games." Certainly, it is necessary that our forces will also take part in the political struggle and controversy of the melee, to create much space as possible in the current situation and the advance of leftist forces. But beyond this, it is importante essential to constitute an elite, who, with fierce intensity, define, with intellectual rigor and an absolute intransigence, the idea according to which it is necessary to join, and affirm this idea especially in the form of new man, the man with the strength of man standing among the ruins. If we are to overcome this period of crisis and order halting and illusory, only this type of man shall be the future. But even if the fate of the modern world was created, and roll it around, could not be contained, thanks to such premises, the interior positions remain intact, under any circumstances, what should be done will be done, and pertthis document are protected and to that country from which no enemy can never occupy or destroy.